
March 2023 Update

It’s been a while, huh? I’ve been away dealing with some mental health stuff, but I’m happy to report that I’m doing much better now and have been hard at work making a new world for all of us to share!

I’ve mentioned a few times I had a hard year in 2022, and that we’d finally figured out why my mental health deteriorated so quickly. After some testing, I found out that I have a gene allele for the CYP2D6 gene that prevents me from metabolizing tricyclic antidepressants, among other medications. So, after realizing that the amitriptyline I was taking for migraine prevention was actually making my anxiety worse, I switched to a new antidepressant that actually works for me. It’s amazing how much better I feel now that I’m on the right medication.

In other news, I now have two more cats. Two. More. Cats. My house is turning into a feline empire, and I love it. And because apparently, I’m not content with just having a bunch of cats, I also dyed my hair like Narcissa Malfoy. Because what mental breakdown is complete without dyeing your hair?? But seriously, therapy plus meds (and kittens!) made me feel better than ever.

The biggest news of all is that I’m making progress on my new series, Sands of Maeoris! I know you’re going to want book two as soon as possible, and I promise you, it’s coming. That cliffhanger was a doozy, but hey, at least I warned you all beforehand, right? (haha please don’t murder me)

I’m not the best at updating my social media, but I promise I’m working hard on the next book. And honestly, I think we can all agree that you’d rather I be writing than scrolling through Instagram.

So that’s the update, folks. I’m feeling better, I have more cats, and I’m making progress on the Sands of Maeoris series. Thanks for sticking with me through it all, and I can’t wait to share my new book with you!